Friday, September 12, 2008

OneNote Before the Weekend...

OneNote fever seems to be spreading among our teachers. I am excited about this and feel we should all be prepared to assist teachers to get up and going with this program as quickly as possible. Teachers are eager to learn on their own and are finding ways to organize not only their personal teacher life but also their classroom lessons. Please assess your current proficiency as a OneNote user. Perhaps we can visit this topic during our first meeting on September 23.

I see OneNote becoming one of the first programs teachers open in the morning; sort of a OneNote Starbucks. Yeah, that's it. Imagine creating a page with links to your blog, wiki, Delicious bookmarks, news feeder, favorite webmail program, course websites, your activity website, and so on. Imagine if Lotus Notes could somehow be incorporated into OneNote. On second thought, scratch that. Sorry.

I admit that using Google bookmarks or Delicious bookmarks can accomplish everything I've mentioned above. These two tools are, after all, available from any computer that has web access. OneNote, however, gives me the ability to add notes on the fly for each of those items. "Update blog," is a nice reminder that I would see everyday using OneNote. I am excited to see actual teacher examples of how OneNote is being used to manage courses and lessons. Bookmarks won't get you to that arena, either.

The largest, single factor, that seems to be driving teachers to use OneNote, though, is the ability to write directly on a page. Second, is ability to bring in copies of documents and webpages for easy access. Your lesson plan is ready to go when you walk into the classroom. The third driving factor, in my opinion, is the ability to share notebooks between users. Some departments are already using OneNote for their PLC.

A nice set of very useful OneNote links is available below, in our Tech Coach notebook, or you can view them at the Fremd Tech Spot wiki.

Visit the Microsoft Office Online OneNote site for an introduction! All of the links below are taken from this site.
OneNote Help and How-toOneNote Community (blogs on OneNote)
August 7, 2007 webcast (with some education ideas-download)
Top OneNote TipsKeyboard Shortcuts for OneNoteOneNote TemplatesPodcasts for OneNote (and other Office products)
RSS Feeds for OneNote (Visit the Fremd Tech Support RSS page to learn about RSS!)
Calculate Mathematical Equations in OneNote!
OneNote Mobile Quick Start Guide - Take OneNote with your phone!

Zoho Notebook is an online application that seems to have many of the features of OneNote except that you cannot ink directly on the page. This may be yet another evolution in our quest for that all-in-one early morning Starbucks Technology stop.

How do you see it?

1 comment:

Janinne said...

Hi there

It's great to see that you are a big OneNote fan. We have created a new online community for OneNote lovers at

Come and join us - learn from other OneNote fans and contribute your own knowledge. Hopefully, you'll have some fun at the same time.